Unravelling the mysterious mysteries!

Unravelling the mysterious mysteries!


With all the mysterious mystery dossiers that were revealed in the past months, we are now getting close to the actual unravelling. The following message was posted by Jat on the SurviveTheArk website:

This Thursday on September the 1st at 10AM PST/1PM EST we shall be revealing our Mega Mysterious Mysteries Update!

The reveal will be streamed live over on our Twitch channel at www.twitch.tv/survivetheark

If you love ARK, surprises, and scorching hot gameplay, be sure to tune in!

Alongside this gigantic reveal, we’ll be in full force with the new game content in playable form on both PC and Xbox One. Join us at PAX West where you’ll be able to ride the 16-foot #PAXRex and its…’new friend’.

We still think that we will be seeing more info on either the Tek tier or the desert biome. However, people have also hinted in the direction of a new (maybe even paid) DLC called “Scorched Earth”.

What do you think the revelation to be about? Leave your expectations in the comments below!


  1. on the wiki patch notes in the xbox one section stated something “very big”, if this isnt split screen i am going to murder all of you.

    1. Split screen already came out on xbox, months ago, that and the something very big correlates to the same thing on PC

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